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Each morning, I swing my legs to the side of my bed and feel the floor with my feet. Barring a lego impelling the sole of my foot, I say a few words of gratitude. Thoughts come and go quickly, but for the most part it is being grateful for another day to be better and having the ability to feel the ground as I step. These moments of gratitude help me focus on what’s truly important.

When I get to my office and before my work day begins I take about ten minutes and reflect on gratitude a little more. My notebook is on my desk, I open to a blank page and begin to write. Today, I decided to share my entry with you below.


Thank you for another chance to pursue my destiny. Thank you for the birds and cool breezes. My appreciation of the sun grows and the energy it provides me to maintain focus. Feeling the suns rays on my face several times a day helps me feel present in the moment.

Thank you for my wife. She loves and supports me in whatever I do. She handles our children with such care and her patience with them as she provides them support as we homeschool.

Ever grateful for my children. Watching them learn and grow has been so rewarding. They keep me younger than my age. They provide me laughter, joy and smiles when I need it most.

Thankful for the rough childhood I had. It made me who I am today. It gave me determination and the ambition to continuing my education. For that, I am eternally grateful.

Thank you for my body. You have gotten me this far even though I abused food and alcohol. It is my turn to focus on making you more fit and feel better.

I am grateful for my business. If it wasn’t for the business I would be working for someone else, probably not giving them the effort that they deserve. Instead, you have taught me how to work and help support my family. The sales reps that go out and bust their tail each day so they can feed their family. They support the company and its programs. I appreciate their effort and I am grateful for your trust.


It doesn’t look this everyday. This is a glimpse of todays gratitude. The focus this exercise brings me is crucial to winning my day. It reminds me of who supports me and what really matters. This short reflection, gives me energy, focus and determination. It helps me focus on things that I typically wouldn’t think about very much, i.e. birds and a cool breeze. Moments in gratitude gives me an opportunity to get outside myself. To not just focus on me.

If you don’t currently take a moment to express moments of gratitude, you may want to try it. It may be just what you need to kickstart your day.

Blessings to all!



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